Feedback on WSCUC Accreditation Institutional Report Drafts
Cal Poly Humboldt’s Accreditation Steering Committee has prepared four essay DRAFTS for the university’s WSCUC 2025 accreditation institutional report, and the committee is requesting collegial feedback from the entire campus community.
The four essays correspond to WSCUC’s four accreditation standards:
Defining Institutional Mission and Acting with Integrity
Achieving Educational Objectives and Student Success
Assuring Resources and Organizational Structures
Creating an Organization Committed to Quality Assurance and Improvement
Through these essays, we endeavor to tell the story of Cal Poly Humboldt —where we are succeeding, where we are challenged, and where we want to go. After reading the final version of this report next fall and visiting campus the following spring, an evaluation team will conclude the process by making recommendations to WSCUC leadership, including how long to extend our accreditation and whether or not to schedule any interim visits or required reporting.
The accreditation process is collegial, and WSCUC takes a supportive, not punitive, approach, truly seeking to assist the institutions it accredits. And it is also true that the more we can show the university to be a healthy, successful institution heading in the right direction, the less time and labor we will need to devote to complying with their requests in the coming years.
At the Submit Comments page on the university’s accreditation website, you will find links to the DRAFT essays, each of which includes a link to submit feedback.
We encourage all of you to read as many of the essays as you are willing, whether that means choosing only those you find most compelling or choosing to offer feedback on all four. We want to stress that these are first drafts, and thus every piece of feedback will offer us a valuable opportunity to revise and improve the story we are telling.
Feedback forms will remain open until April 11, 2025, and we will share what we heard at the University Senate before the end of the spring semester.
Thank you for considering our request!
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