Emergency Procedures Training Requirement & Building Marshall Program Update
In an effort to ensure the readiness of all members of the CSU campus community for emergency incidents, CSU is introducing a new training requirement for all employees. Beginning March 3rd, 2025, all CSU employees will be required to complete the Emergency Procedures course through the systemwide Learning Management System or its equivalent. New employees will be assigned this course upon hire. All employees must complete the course once every three years as required by the Emergency Management policy. This policy can be viewed here:
https://calstate.policystat.com/policy/17247505/latest/.This new training requirement will equip and empower all CSU employees throughout the system to take the appropriate protective actions during emergencies. Utilizing the systemwide Learning Management System allows for the broadest possible reach of this important content, replacing older training models that focused on only training select groups of employees. This approach promotes a universal culture of resilience within CSU and ensures that employees are trained regardless of variations in work locations and schedules.
For our Cal Poly Humboldt campus, this requirement eliminates the need for a floor captain and building marshal program. We will move forward without this program, as it has not been sustainable campus-wide due to staff turnover, hybrid work schedules, and limited participation across various departments. Instead, the expectation is that all staff and faculty members will be trained for emergency situations, ensuring that the responsibility is shared by everyone, rather than just a select few. Our goal is to keep the campus community safe, and keeping non-first responders in buildings longer than necessary during evacuations is counterproductive. Those who still have floor captain backpacks can either return them to SBS 311 or request a pickup through Risk.
For questions regarding this new requirement or about the building marshall program, please contact risk management at risk-management@humboldt.edu.
Latest PMC All Campus
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