Spring 2025 Commencement Important Information
Spring 2025 Commencement
Saturday, May 17 | Redwood Bowl (On-Campus)
Tuesday, May 20 | Saban Theatre, Beverly Hills (Regional)
Graduation is a huge milestone for our students and the Spring 2025 Commencement celebrations are just around the corner!
Ceremony Schedule
Graduates will participate in the on-campus ceremony associated with their major and college affiliation. The ceremony dates and times are listed below.
Saturday, May 17 | Redwood Bowl (On-Campus)
- 9:00 a.m. | College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
- 12:00 p.m. | College of Natural Resources & Sciences
- 3:00 p.m. | College of Professional Studies
Tuesday, May 20 | The Saban Theatre, Beverly Hills (Regional)
2:00 p.m. | All College
As a way to help more families and friends celebrate with their graduate, Cal Poly Humboldt will be hosting a Spring 2025 Regional Commencement ceremony in addition to the on-campus ceremonies. Graduates may choose to register and participate in any of the ceremonies—on-campus and/or the regional ceremony. All majors are welcome to participate in the Regional Commencement.
Student Registration
Student registration to participate in Spring 2025 Commencement is open! Students wishing to participate, need to register by April 9. Eligible Spring and Summer 2025 grads already received an initial email providing them the registration link as well as important Commencement information. Reminders will be sent weekly.
If there are any questions about registration, email grad@humboldt.edu.
Faculty & Staff Participation
There are a myriad of details that go into running a successful Commencement. Employees are needed to assist on the day, whether it be participating in the procession or supporting Commencement "behind the scenes".
Processional Participation
Faculty and staff participating in the processional and who will be seated in the faculty/staff section during the ceremony are being asked to register their processional participation by April 11. The College Office Coordinators will be coordinating the student and faculty/staff line-up in the West Gym and will be providing information and updates to faculty & staff registrants.
Commencement Support
Employees are needed to assist at Commencement. This includes administrators, faculty, staff, students (and even volunteers). Positions such as greeting, ushering, providing ADA shuttle and wheelchair support, providing parking and traffic support, supporting the graduate and faculty/staff line-up area, etc., are available. Those who would like to work Spring 2025 Commencement, and experience the excitement, are asked to make arrangements with their supervisor about adjustments in their weekly work schedule and to submit their Commencement work interest and availability by April 11. Information regarding shift assignments at Commencement will be shared closer to the event.
More information on faculty and staff participation can be found at commencement.humboldt.edu/faculty-staff.
Regalia & Memorabilia
A black cap and a black gown are required to participate in a Commencement ceremony. Caps, rental gowns, tassels, hoods, and more were available to order online through Herff Jones until March 28 at 8:59 p.m. PST. Online orders can be shipped to their home, or they can be picked up at The Campus Store location on-campus (on the second floor of the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center building) around May 1.
If a student misses the online deadline or needs additional items, please have them see how to get regalia here.
The Campus Center for Appropriate Technology (CCAT) is offering cap and gown rentals. Please contact them for more details at ccat@humboldt.edu.
If students have any questions regarding regalia orders, contact The Campus Store at (707) 826-3741.
Faculty & Staff
Those needing to order regalia can do so with Herff Jones Faculty Direct. The deadline to order regalia to be received in time for the event is March 28 at 8:59 p.m. PST. Items ordered online by the deadline will be available to pick up at The Campus Store’s on-campus location around May 1.
If faculty or staff have any questions regarding regalia orders, contact The Campus Store at (707) 826-3741.
General Info
Parking the week of Commencement will be impacted. A separate message regarding closures will be forthcoming from Transportation & Parking Services.
The best source for up-to-date information about Commencement, including important information for grads and guests, can be found on the Commencement website at commencement.humboldt.edu. For general questions about Commencement, contact the Commencement Coordinator, Shannon Collart, at grad@humboldt.edu.
Thanks to everyone participating in Spring 2025 Commencement. Can’t wait to celebrate Cal Poly Humboldt’s newest graduating class together!
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