University Hosting Agreement for Internal Events
Updated Guidelines for Facilities Use and Charges
The Guidelines for Facilities Use and Charges have been revised. These updates now include specific language that applies to all internal University events—defined as events that are planned, coordinated, and executed primarily by internal users and approved and funded by the University.
Key Update: Hosting Agreement Requirement
If your event is advertised and/or attendance is encouraged to the general public, the department, unit, or organization hosting the event must complete a University Hosting Agreement (Internal Events).
Exceptions to This Requirement
Events with advertised public attendance that are part of regular University operations, such as:
- Quad activities
- Campus priority events
- Athletic games
- Dance, Music & Theatre performances
- Cal Poly Humboldt Presents performances
- Outdoor Adventures courses
- Rec Sports clubs & drop-in activities
- Various University camps
- Library-hosted events
- Advancement activities
- Associated Students and Recognized Student Organization events (which have a separate approval process)
These exceptions do not require a Hosting Agreement as they fall under established operations with a different approval process.
Why the Hosting Agreement is Required
The University Hosting Agreement (Internal Events) ensures that internal users hosting events open to the public—both on-campus and off-campus—receive the necessary support and take responsibility for the event in collaboration with their division.
New Process
A fully executed University Hosting Agreement (Internal Events) must be submitted to Conference & Event Services (CES) at before you begin advertising or encouraging public attendance for the event.
Key Agreement Details
- Event title, date(s), time(s), location, and purpose.
- The designated campus host must provide their name, contact number, and signature to confirm their responsibility for the event.
- Requires administrative approval by the appropriate Chair/Department Head, Dean of the College, Vice President with jurisdiction over the hosting unit, or another authorized official.
- Submit the fully executed agreement to CES at before advertising or promoting the event.
- Risk Management will be notified and given access to all executed agreements for oversight.
Please reach out to Conference & Event Services for assistance.
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